Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Okay, call me old-fashioned ...

... but I still like those old-fashioned foods, the kind the cafeteria cooks prepared back in the dark ages of my elementary school years. Forget wraps and sliders; these ladies in their bibbed aprons and hairnets rolled out comfort foods day after day.
Among my favorites was creamed rice with a rich topping of brown sugar. My mother never made it; neither did either of my grandmothers, so I relied on the school to feed my addiction.
Another food I've loved since childhood is tapioca pudding. My children, who don't share my affection for it, call it fish eye pudding, because of the translucent tapioca.
Don't care; not gonna stop me.
When I'm sick or down in the dumps, it's at the top of foods I long for. I'm also quite partial to cream of wheat when I'm ill, another food my children regard as coming directly from the pantry of Satan.
The kid in me is quite happy to feast on fish sticks and tater tots when I'm home alone and lazy. Stick 'em in the oven, transfer them to a paper plate and I'm good to go. My tummy's full and there are no dishes to wash except one cookie sheet.
I know some people celebrate with champagne or fine chocolates, but I much prefer those Chessman cookies from Pepperidge Farms to do the trick. In fact, I ate a whole package of them a week or so ago.
Upon completing the manuscript for Blood Oath, the last of my Shadow Ancient vampire series, I ate half the package with a very cold mug of milk.
And when I got my first print copies of Out of the Shadows, the first of the Shadow Ancients series, I ate the rest of them, this time with a cup of coffee flavored with hazelnut creamer.
All this talk about food is making me hungry. So if you'll pardon me, I'm off to the store to find myself a box of fish sticks and a bucket of tapioca pudding.

 Coming soon: Blood Oath, book four in the Shadow Ancient series
from Resplendence Publishing

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